Our Services:

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular rehabilitation involves specific exercises that help you manage dizziness and balance issues. These exercises involve training your eyes, head movements, and balance system to better process information. Some conditions may benefit from a series of head movements guided by a trained therapist.

Some of the benefits of vestibular rehabilitation include decreasing sensations of the room spinning, addressing balance and unsteadiness, and improving the ability to focus when reading.

During an initial assessment for your condition, it is common for your symptoms to be increased temporarily. We recommend you make plans to ensure someone can transport you home safely.

Common conditions treated with vestibular rehabilitation:

· Vertigo or BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo)

· Motion sensitivity

· Dizziness after a concussion / post-concussion syndrome

· Dizziness and neck issues after a car accident

· Other vestibular conditions such as labyrinthitis

There are many reasons for dizziness; some are treatable with vestibular rehabilitation and others require medical treatment. It can be helpful to see a primary care physician first to see if vestibular rehabilitation is appropriate for you.

Yasmin Bains and Bryce Jay treat vestibular issues.


“I came to Mike after a car accident in December 2013.  I have never had a care provider who has done as much as he has to help me get better and who has focused on the entirety of the situation and how it can affect healing instead of just the immediate problem at hand.  It has been a long road, but he uses a variety of techniques (including large needles which terrify me, but I have to admit work incredibly well) and is always looking beyond just the symptoms for the actual causes.  Since getting pregnant while still rehabilitating, he has been able to provide exercises and ideas to help with the pain that has come from the changes due to pregnancy coupled with the previous problems before.  He’s even managed to find ways to alleviate pain that is considered “normal” and just par for the course.  I simply can’t recommend Mike enough and already have sent anyone who is in need his way.”

~ T. Cassels. Read More