Our Services:

Worksafe BC / ICBC Rehabilitation

Main Street Physiotherapy offers a one on one active rehabilitation program for those people injured on the job or in a Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) catering to our ICBC, WCB and private insurance clients.Treatment is a combination of hands on manual treatment and gym based exercises in our on site gym facilities. Emphasis is on getting patients to move forward to a self directed independent exercise program.

Individual job requirements, sports, hobbies and activities of daily life are always taken into consideration during our treatment plan.

We work closely with the client's insurer, employer and all health care providers involved to facilitate a quick and safe return to work and daily activities.

Please contact us directly for pricing and availability.

ICBC & Worksafe BC (WBC) Rehabilitation Physiotherapy Vancouver


“I have been treated by Kate Kennedy for about 15 years.  I followed her to Main Street Physio because she is simply the most talented physiotherapist I have had the pleasure of being treated by. She has seen me through a car accident and my recovery, and is very knowledgeable about persistent pain treatment and ongoing issues that arise in a mid-sixties arthritic woman’s body.  Her teaching experience is a great asset in the treatment room as she has up to date information and a vast knowledge base. In addition to physical treatment she has taught me a great deal about my body and about healing, and this has been a source of independence for me.  Her interpersonal skills are amazing which makes the entire experience of healing pain and living with pain much more tolerable. I feel as though I have a partner in my pursuit of wellness.”

~ - H. Lemer. Read More